How to Delete Your Browser Cache/Temporary Internet Files

The method you use to delete your cache (Chrome, Netscape, Mozilla Firefox, Safari) or temporary internet files (Microsoft Internet Explorer and America Online) will depend on the browser software you use. Click on the appropriate browser from the list below to access the directions for your browser software.

NOTE: Older or very new versions of browser software may not be represented by the instructions below. In such cases, please refer to the help file included with your browser software.

Deleting Your Temporary Internet Files Using America Online Version 5.0

  1. Launch AOL.
  2. Click on My AOL and select the Preferences option.
  3. The Preferences dialog window will appear. Click on WWW.
  4. Click the Empty Cache Now (Macintosh) or Delete Files (Windows) button. Using Windows you will need to click the OK button on the Delete File dialog window to confirm the deletion of your temporary internet files. Using Windows, click the OK button again to close the Internet Properties dialog window.
  5. Restart your computer.

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Deleting Your Temporary Internet Files Using America Online Version 7.0

  1. Launch AOL.
  2. Click on Settings and select the Preferences option.
  3. The Preferences dialog window will appear. Click on Internet Properties (WWW).
  4. Click the Delete Files button. Click the OK button on the Delete File dialog window to confirm the deletion of your temporary internet files. Click the OK button again to close the Internet Properties dialog window.
  5. Restart your computer.

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Deleting Your Temporary Internet Files Using America Online Version 9.0

  1. Launch AOL.
  2. Click on the Settings icon located just below the menu bar at the top of the screen.
  3. What you see next will depend on whether or not you are logged in to AOL.a. If you are not logged in to AOL, the AOL Settings dialog window will appear. Click on Internet Properties.b. If you are logged in to AOL, the Settings Main dialog window will appear. Click on Internet [WWW] Options.
  4. In the AOL Browser Settings window that appears, click on the Internet Explorer settings link on the right. (Alternatively, you can click on the Clear My Footprints tab, the Clear My Footprints button, and the Yesbutton on the Clear My Footprints confirmation window–thus skipping the need for step 5 below.)
  5. Click the Delete Files button. Click the OK button on the Delete File dialog window to confirm the deletion of your temporary internet files. Click the OK button again to close the AOL Internet Properties dialog window.
  6. Restart your computer.

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Clearing Your Using Chrome on the Windows Platform

  1. Launch Chrome.
  2. Click on the Tools Menu and select Clear browsing data…

Tools Menu, Clear Browsing Data

  1. A dialog titled Clear Browsing Data will appear. Select the items you wish to delete, choose the time period, and then click the Clear Browsing Data button.

Clear Browsing Data Dialog, Windows XP

  1. Restart your computer.

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Clearing Your Cache Using Firefox on the Windows Platform

  1. Launch Firefox.
  2. Click the Tools menu and select Options…
  3. In the Options dialog that appears, click on Privacy from the icon bar on the left.

Firefox Options Dialog, Windows XP

  1. Click the Clear button adjacent to Cache.
  2. Click the OK button to close the Options dialog window.
  3. Restart your computer.

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Deleting Your Temporary Internet Files Using Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 on the Windows Platform

NOTE: Certain versions of Internet Explorer provided by Internet Service Providers (ISP) have a menu configuration that is different from the standard version. If you have one of these versions, you will need to contact your ISP for instructions on how to delete your temporary internet files.

  1. Launch Internet Explorer.
  2. Click the Tools menu and select Internet Options.
  3. The Internet Options dialog window will appear. On the General Tab, click the Delete Files button. Click the OK button on the Delete File dialog window to confirm the deletion of your temporary internet files. Click the OK button again to close the Internet Properties dialog window.
  4. Restart your computer.

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Deleting Your Temporary Internet Files Using Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 on the Windows Platform

  1. Launch Internet Explorer.
  2. Click the Tools menu and select Internet Options.

Internet Explorer 7, Internet Options Dialog

  1. The Internet Options dialog window will appear. On the General tab, in the Browsing history section, click the Delete… button.

Internet Explorer 7, Delete Browsing History Dialog

  1. The Delete Browsing History dialog will appear. In the Temporary Internet Files section, click the Delete files… button.
  2. On the Delete Files dialog that appears, click the Yes button to confirm the deletion of your temporary internet files. You may need to wait up to a few minutes for this action to finish.
  3. Click the Close button to exit the Delete Browsing History dialog.
  4. Click the OK button to close the Internet Otions dialog window.
  5. Restart your computer.

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Deleting Your Temporary Internet Files Using Microsoft Internet Explorer on the Macintosh Platform

  1. Launch Internet Explorer.
  2. Click the Edit menu and select the Preferences Option.
  3. The Internet Explorer Preferences dialog window will appear. Under the Web Browser category, click on Advanced.
  4. Under the Cache section, click the Empty Now button. Click the OKbutton to close the Internet Explorer Preferences dialog window.
  5. Restart your computer.

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Deleting Your Cache Using Netscape Communicator/Navigator

  1. Launch your Netscape browser.
  2. Click the Edit menu and select the Preferences option.
  3. Under the Advanced category, select the Cache subcategory.

Preferences Dialog Window (Netscape Communicator 4.61, Windows Platform)

  1. Click on the Clear Disk Cache button. Click the OK button in the dialog window that appears to confirm the deletion of your disk cache. (On the Windows platform, after deleting your disk cache, also click the Clear Memory Cache button.).
  2. Click the OK button to close the Preferences dialog window.
  3. Restart your computer.

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Deleting Your Cache Using Safari on the Macintosh Platform

  1. Launch Safari.
  2. Click the Safari menu and select the Empty Cache option.
  3. Click the Empty button in the dialog that appears to confirm the deletion of your cache.
  4. Restart your computer.

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