If you find any child pornography or any other type of illegal material in any of the newsgroups, please report the specific file and location to us using the File Report Form. We are actively working to keep illegal material out of PictureView, and we need your help to keep PictureView safe for our law-abiding, adult members and guests.
As an automated service, PictureView does not post or create any content. At the same time, we have a firm policy concerning material which is considered to be illegal in our jurisdiction. Please read our policy carefully. If your request to remove material is consistent with our policy, please complete our File Report Form.
Please understand that while we do not moderate or edit any of the newsgroups carried on our service, we believe we are required by law to remove specific types of files when they are pointed out to us.
This is how the procedure works:
- Our daily downloads are added to the PictureView service without any moderation, editing, or censorship.
- If a member sends us a note identifying a specific file in a specific group on a specific day and page, we visit the page and review the file.
- If indeed the file is child pornography (as currently defined under U.S. federal statutes), we remove the file. Our current understanding of U.S. federal law is that we must remove these files as we are notified of them, and any other behavior would put the PictureView service at risk of prosecution by law enforcement authorities. In addition, we have never intended, nor do we intend to be a source of illegal or forbidden material. We are doing everything we can to remain well within the limits of the law in our jurisdiction, which is not only in our best interests, but in the best interests of the vast majority of our customers who would not like to see our site shut down and our servers confiscated by law enforcement agencies.
We believe in freedom of speech and are members of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, but believe that a position supporting the exploitation of children in the form of child pornography is indefensible.
If a link on this page needs to be changed or updated, please send us a message.
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